10 years ago I’ve started the project “Urban Mindfulness Meditation” with the intention to create a warm and trustful space where we can practice mindfulness, exchange ideas, reflect, and connect with each other.
Thank you for being part of this community! Come and celebrate with us!
– Words of gratitude
– Mindfulness Meditation practice
The class is taught is English
Find us on MeetUp and register there.
Starting with 16th of September, a Covid Pass will be required to attend the classes, according to BAG new measurements.
Urban Mindfulness Meditation Zurich
Urban Mindfulness Meditation Zurich is a community based project started in 2011 that aims to bring more awareness to the benefits of meditative practices for mental and physical health.
Urban Mindfulness Meditation Zurich offers weekly drop in mindfulness meditation classes and a variety of workshops, courses and retreats designed to help you manage stress and to increase your health and well-being.
All courses are grounded in brain science, positive psychology and contemplative training and teach meditation in a secular, non-religious manner.