I never really felt I got meditation until I encountered the mindful approach. I joined Ela's classes a few months ago. Her sessions are always enlightening, and I try to attend regularly. It's a little oasis in the stresses of life.
Hi Ela, many thanks for showing me how to identify and control my "thoughts". I can't wait to learn more and more about how brain works through your help and our fab meditation classes. See you next Tuesday.
I participated in a one day Cognitive and Emotional balance workshop that Ela organized in Bucharest. It was my perfect first true experience with mindfulness. Learning how to keep myself present and experiencing some simple but revealing exercises. So easy to practice and to understand! Thank you, Ela, hope to be together soon.:) I am the fan of “mindful brain” on FB and I promote the mindfulness approach by sharing your postings. My deep hope is that all my friends will embrace these ideas and the community of mindful people will increase day by day.
I've been participating in Ela's urban meditation classes and it's been really great! I've learnt a lot about myself, my life, my habits, and with the help of mindfulness mediation practices and the techniques I've learnt, I've been able to find that 'space' to breath in my hectic and often over-loaded lifestyle. Ela opens the door to mindfulness meditation in a very open and unbiased way so that it can be accessible to anybody from any walk of life. I can highly recommend Ela's urban meditation classes whether it be for the experienced meditator, or simply the beginner wanting to see what its all about! Many thanks!
I highly recommend the MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) course!!. We are approaching our last week and no one wants it to end! Its very educational and if you really commit yourself to the practices and homework, it can be tremendously rewarding. Not to mention we have a great teacher and participants 😉
I looked forward to every session. And every session we received a few more tools from Ela that make everyday life a little lighter and easier to handle. It’s not a course full of airy fairy, intangible ideas. It’s a course full of simple, practical ways in which we learn how to be aware in the moment, without judgement, and, with time, to actually physically change the structure of our brains. Most importantly though, I like the person I am when I am being mindful.
The MBSR course is a fantastic program that anyone who is interested in living more fully in the present moment would benefit from attending. I signed up for the course because I had been going to Ela's Tuesday night meditation classes for some time and I wanted to learn more and go deeper into mindfulness practices. The program does require dedication and time but in return you slowly but surely see and feel how things start to change, in the way that you approach certain challenging situations and also in the way that you are aware of how your mind works, and how you can calm it down. The course is insightful, very inspiring and gives you a whole new perspective on things.
My grateful thanks for your MBSR course. It really helped me to have another look at my life and my environment. I take more distance, judge less, and am trying generally to be more mindful. It requires a more focused attention, and it helps! So thanks again.
I have participated in Ela's 8-week MBSR course in Zurich. I am so very happy that I signed up for this course - truly the best investment I have made for myself, perhaps ever. I was hoping to learn how to deal with anxiety and stress and I have learned so many different techniques that I can now employ to make life more relaxed and enjoyable. Ela's knowledge, kindness, dedication and attention to each of us in the class was absolutely wonderful. Thank you, it has made a huge difference in my life!
In 8 Wochen zu mehr Zufriedenheit : Wir leben ständig mit Doppel- und Dreifachbelastungen: Beruf, Familie, Alltag oder auch Krankheit. Ein achtwöchiges Training hilft dabei, endlich aus unserem «Autopilotenleben» auszusteigen. Der Kurs beinhaltet zweieinhalb Präsenzstunden pro Woche und Meditationsübungen für zu Hause. Der Kurs wird geleitet von Ela Amarie, Psychologin & Mindfulness Coach
Dear Ela, thank you for your guidance and the opportunity to experience mindfulness. You have been a great teacher and source of inspiration to me. I have a long way to go but in this short time I have learned to listen to others and take more time to think before I respond. I feel a calmness and am more aware of everything I do and what is going on around me. I have more patience am less critical and have less negative thoughts. I feel good thanks to you and the wonderful people I met at the classes.
I followed the MBSR Program in order to continue to train mind quietness. I was also motivated to change my often-agitated start of the day, with all things of the to-do-list presenting themselves at the same time. The work with Ela and the training allowed me to reach those 2 objectives. It also gave me some more tools to continue to practice being quite. Thanks a lot, Ela!
If you find that your eating habits are out of control, I can highly recommend this Mindful Eating course with trained psychologist and Mindfulness coach, Ela Amarie. I attended this course last month and found it extremely interesting and insightful. You will come away with the tools to become a more conscious eater.
I really appreciated your "Dealing with difficult emotions" workshop. I have just arrived in town, and with the stress which goes along with such a change, I found my inner peace at least for one short time,and for the long time with some daily practice. I liked the combination of wisdom philosophies and neuroscience. This is exactly what we need a dialogue of the traditional and the super modern, wrapped up in a practical session. Last but not the least, I appreciated your approach on a human level. Also, the multicultural group was an opportunity to see that whatever part of the planet we come from, we are very much alike in our worries, fears and hopes. All the best in your future work. And may the good and positive spread around 🙂
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