
Welcome to Mindful Brain

Clear your mind of thoughts, let go of fears and anxieties, reverse or prevent burnout, and get back in touch with your body and mind.
Working Days
Monday - Saturday ................................Per Schedule
Sunday ...............................................................Closed
Phone number: +41 79 727 8397



Dufourstrasse 121, Zurich



Who We Are And What We Do

We all want a workplace where people flourish, but how we can make it a reality?

The skills to work with our minds, our emotions, and other people are essential–but rarely developed.

Now that Harvard Business School, IMD professors, and WE Forum Davos are teaching the benefits of mindfulness, it’s probably fair to say that mindfulness has arrived in the corporate world.

Mindfulness is a basic human quality and it refers to a particular state of mind: one that is alert, aware, and fully present. Because we often function on automatic pilot, the route to mindfulness is through attention training. Just as gym workouts can deliver a toned body, in order to improve our focus and concentration and build emotional resilience, we need to train our brains.

Read more about the benefits of mindfulness in the workplace

Mindful Brain offers tailored workshops and programs that support employees to work more effectively, adapt to change more easily, and deal with stress better. We aim to help you to build stronger, more efficient, and resilient teams.

Our programs can assist you with:

  1. Optimizing performance and develop attention skills.
  2. Promoting resilience.
  3. Reducing burnout and stress-related conditions
  4. Increasing retention and employee’s engagement


We offer customized programs that are engaging, informative, and practical. In addition to being motivated by short and relevant scientific information, you will get tools and tips that you can immediately use.

Introduction to Mindfulness

During these sessions you get introduced to the science of mindfulness and experience its benefits. The sessions usually last 90 – 120 minutes.

Mindfulness Workshops

Whether your interest is in increasing performance, reducing stress, or building resilience and emotional intelligence, we can deliver courses appropriate to your theme. You get a deeper insight into mindfulness, plus the opportunity to experience the main practices of mindfulness. The courses usually last one to two full days.

Mindfulness Program at Work (MPW)

A result-focused program that helps employees reduce stress while improving focus, memory, relationships, and self-control.

It offers rigorous scientific insights about the human brain, alongside with mindfulness practices that can be implemented into the daily working life. This highly interactive, experiential, and practical program can be delivered as a four to eight week course, depending on your needs.

Corporate retreats

You can organize a team event and explore in depth the benefits of mindfulness practices. In a world where we praise multitasking, rediscover the value of slowing down enjoy a technological detox, recharge your batteries and make space for reflection, introspection, and integrative thinking.

Mindful coaching

A tailored individual approach to find your anchor in the middle of a fast-paced and complex business environment.

Keynote Speaker

We can help you with topics related to Stress Management, Emotional Balance, Attention Management, and Mindfulness in the Digital World. The engagements last 1-2 hours.

Contact us for further details and to book a mindfulness intervention.



Mindful Brain. Make The Most Of it.

Welcome to Mindful Brain!

A periodical e-newsletter with future events and tips to support your mindfulness practice will be sent to the e-mail address you enter: